India’s Most Advanced Integrated Farming Company
About Bloomenara
These days everyone is going back to their roots and since we didn’t want to get left behind, Bloomenara was born!
Jokes apart, Bloomenara truly believes in the power of a sustainable alternative farming system. At Bloomenara, we are trying to turn back time and undo the damage from pesticides and harmful chemicals. Bloomenara recognizes soil as a fundamental natural asset and relies heavily on compost manure, green manure, and natural nutrients. We are giving back to the soil what we had taken and the soil, in turn, gives back the freshest produce.
Started in August 2018 and based in Odisha, India, Bloomenara's mission is to build a sustainable farming model focused on health for individuals, the community and the environment. We are committed to building a farming culture through education, training and fresh farm produce accessibility through sustainable agriculture techniques.
Whether it's fruits, vegetables, flowers, nursery plants, livestock farming, pisciculture (fish farming), floriculture or processed food (including grains, oil and spices), we plan on becoming the top producer and supplier of the freshest items to our consumers.
What do we do
Processed Food
Farm Consultancy